If you need support please contact

your nearest mental health service provider 

While we make every effort to provide a broad range of links to external resources and information, we are not responsibile for the information held or automatically endorse the sites listed.

If you have useful link which you feel the community could benefit from being listed please email admin@mfnetwork.org.uk


Sites listed below are primarily based within the UK

Emergency Numbers

    In an emergency:

    • Call 999 or go to your local A&E department

    If you're in crisis and need to speak to someone:

    • Call NHS 111 (for when you need help but are not in immediate danger)
    • Contact your GP and ask for an emergency appointment
    • Contact theSamaritans 
      116 123 (free), 24 hours a day
    • Use the'Shout' crisis text line- text SHOUT to 85258

    General Websites

    • Mental Health Foundation
      • provides useful information on a range of mental health difficulties, as well as resources to support your wellbeing
    • Mentally Healthy Schools
      • has a wide range of information for schools and teachers to support young people’s mental health
    • Mental Health and Money Advice
      • provides practical advice and support for people experiencing issues with mental health and money
    • Me and My Mind
      • has some useful information for young people who may be having unusual experiences, such as paranoia or hearing voices
    • MHRA Yellow Card app

      • for reporting side effects to medicines.

    Mental Health Organisations


    Sites listed below are primarily based within th United States of America & Canada

    Emergency Numbers - 911 

    General Websites

    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (USA)

    PTSD Foundation of America

    National Alliance on Mental Illness

    Canadian Mental Health Association

    Mental Health Week

    Mental Health Canada

    Bell Let’s Talk

    Free emotional well being resources

    Mindfulness & Guided Meditation